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Unit of signal adjustment for a segment of all optical network

The article is devoted to investigation of efficiency and development of the functional scheme of the adjustment signal unit that is synchronized with external signal. The operation of proposed scheme based on splitting and transmission of the input signal separately to the multiplexor and to the fiber loop of synchronizer. In last case it uses an effect of the phase cross modulation of optical signals with similar wavelengths. The scheme provides synchronous adjustment of subscriber’s signals and "the mask" of clock interval; thereby time interval deviation reduces in the output signal. The estimation of design parameters of the synchronizer performed. It is shown that frequency shift depends on length of the fiber optic loop and wavelengths of signals that must be synchronized.

Optical Time Digital Multiplexor; synchronization of digital signals; all optical control; electro-optical modulator; phase cross modulation; passive optical networks
Published: Communication Technologies & Equipment Magazine #5, 2013

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