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Mobile satellite communication system Iridium: 18 years on service in space

For many years mobile communication system Iridium remains operational in orbit. In this article we analyzed Iridium constellation and satellite vehicles maneuvers in orbit. The results shows that some satellites remains active in orbit for 13–18 years. Almost 7 years since Iridium 33 collision with Cosmos 2251 threat of collision with space debris still stands for Iridium space vehicles.

AkimovChief specialist, CSRI of economics informatics and management systems
KurakhtenkovHead of the laboratory at SRD MTUCI, Ph.D.
SAI MSU, senior research, doctor science
SmirnovLeading Engineer JSC "RTComm.RU"
estimates for orbital maneuvers cost, space debris, the collision of spacecraft in orbits, Iridium
Published: Communication Technologies & Equipment Magazine #2, 2016

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